Root canal treatment is a procedure for cleaning teeth with damage to the soft tissues, nerves and affected vessels in the canal or pulp of the tooth. Endodontics saves even "hopeless" teeth, preserves a natural smile and reduces the need for rmore procedures, which, in turn, saves your money.
The dentist determines the condition of the teeth through a visual examination and by x-rays. For a high-quality and long-term result, the use of a microscope is necessary. Our specialists work with a modern dental microscope, thereby enlarging the image by 25 times.
In the beginning, the dentist cleans, processes and prepares the canals or pulp of the tooth for filling. He\she removes carious masses, soft tissues and tooth nerves - now it is considered dead. If the treatment is carried out in one visit, the canals of the tooth are sealed with gutta-percha; if the treatment requires several visits, a temporary filling is placed on the tooth before filling the canals. In more severe cases, when an infection is detected, the tooth is not filled immediately - first, drugs are placed in the canals to fight the infection.
Don't miss your last opportunity to save a "hopeless" tooth - give it a chance to recover before it becomes impossible.
Our specialists who work with the microscope
Сначала стоматолог очищает, обрабатывает и подготавливает каналы или пульпу зуба к пломбированию. Он удаляет кариозные массы, мягкие ткани и нервы зуба – теперь он считается мертвым. Если лечение проводится в одно посещение, каналы зуба пломбируются гуттаперчей; если лечение требует нескольких визитов, перед пломбированием каналов зуба на него ставится временная пломба. В более тяжелых случаях, при обнаружении инфекции зуб пломбируют не сразу – сперва в каналы помещают препараты для борьбы с инфекцией.
DDS Certified General Dentist
DDS Certified General Dentist
Дайте “безнадежному” зубу шанс на выздоровление,
записывайтесь на прием.
DDS Certified General Dentist
Preparation of a single canal tooth, filling and sealing
Preparation of a double canal tooth, filling and sealing
Preparation of a tripple canal tooth, filling and sealing
Preparation of a four-canal tooth, filling and sealing
Changing medications between sessions
Pulpotomy (Amputation of the pulp of a primary tooth)
Direct pulp capping to preserve exposed pulp
Primary endodontic treatment
Root canal examination using a temporary filling (if not treated immediately)
Canal examination with composite material (if not treated immediately)
Extracting filler material from one canal
Removal of a pin (or foreign body) from the canal
Tooth perforation closure
Whitening of a pulpless tooth (internal whitening)
Sawing/removing a crown or bridge
Installation of fiberglass root pin
Surcharge for the degree of complexity (exceeding the time provided for the procedure - every 30 minutes)
Endodontics with a microscope
Root canal treatment and finding solution for the "hopeless" situations
Лечение зубных каналов с использованием микроскопа